The Goenchi Mati Movement today releases its Manifesto for the Goa Assembly Elections 2017. The movement asks all political parties to include it in their manifestos.
Calling all parties to protect our children’s inheritance

The Future We Need
The Goenchi Mati Movement today releases its Manifesto for the Goa Assembly Elections 2017. The movement asks all political parties to include it in their manifestos.
Ramachandra Guha writes in The Telegraph about mining and governance. The Goenchi Mati proposal including zero-loss mining, save all into a Permanent Fund, and distribute real income as a Citizen’s Dividend is intended to reverse most of these ill effects. What do you think, will it work? How can we make it better?
The Natural Resource Governance Institute has published an interesting paper examining the evidence for the sub-national resource curse, and finds mixed results. The paper identifies six main mechanisms for the sub-national resource curse – “mismanagement and corruption, conflicts, local price distortions, shifts in employment away from agriculture and manufactures, socio-environmental damages and degradation, and, finally, migration of workers in the extractive sector. …
We’ve collated a set of reports on mining in Goa. These include the reports from the SC appointed expert committee on intergenerational equity, monitoring committee for e-auctions, Shah commission, CEC, PAC, EAC of MoEF, CEE / Gadgil, ISM Dhanbad, ERC India, Regional plan 2021, WGEEP (Gadgil), HLWG (Kasturirangan), Karnataka Lokayukta, NCAER and more.