Hema Malini & our land

Shailesh Gandhi makes important points in connection to the allocation of land in Maharashtra at a tiny fraction of the market value. “Property belonging to the State belongs to all citizens. All Indians pay taxes directly or indirectly. The rich often think since they pay more, they have greater rights. It is often forgotten that the real estate and lands of …

Jacobin on Basic Income

The Jacobin magazine has a number of articles about Basic Income. The Right to a Dignified Life by Jesse A. Myerson and The Wrong Kind of UBI by Shannon Ikebe have useful discussions on the appropriate design of the Universal Basic Income. In particular, they argue that the UBI is not a substitute to other social programmes such as disability benefits, free …

A few reports on UBI

Here are a few reports on UBI. A Retrospective on the Negative Income Tax experiments by Karl Widerquist looks at four experiments conducted in the US in the early 1970s. The Town with No Poverty by Evelyn L Forget of the University of Manitoba, Canada re-examines the data from the Mincome experiment conducted in the town of Dauphin, Manitoba, Canada Creative Citizen, …

CSE on Goa’s District Mineral Foundation

The Center for Science and Environment has issued a scathing critique of the DMF rules issued by the Goa Government. “The draft Rules were kept in the public domain for exactly four days before being finalized.” “A review by CSE shows that the Rules remain problematic in key aspects that are critical for effective functioning of DMF. “The Rules will …