Swiss referendum & the UK

Indications are that the Swiss rejected the Basic Income referendum 4:1. Yet, this is not a defeat as Jim Pugh explains. Meanwhile, support for Basic Income is rising in the UK. The Green Party already had Basic Income in their general election manifesto. Heather Stewart reports in The Guardian that the Labour party is taking a look at this idea, with both John McDonnell, …

The psychology of work and Basic Income

Ezra Klien in the Vox has an interesting western perspective on Basic Income. I wonder if the same psychological dynamic plays out in India, or other societies in the developing world. It must be remembered that unemployment and underemployment is the norm here, full employment is merely a dream. Of course, a Citizen’s Dividend avoids these issues as it is a …

Permanent Fund model for Ethical Mining

CSDS (the Center for the Study of Developing Societies) conducted a seminar on “Permanent Fund Model for Ethical Mining: Lands, Livelihoods and Intergenerational Equity”. Held in partnership with Goa Foundation and Inclusive Media for Change, the seminar was held in India International Center, New Delhi on Feb 18 & 19, 2015. A detailed report on the discussions can be downloaded …

Scroll : Goa mining judgement is a first

A beautiful, albeit dated, summary by Mridula Chari of the unprecedented nature of the Goa mining judgement for we the people, our children, and our future generations. “Observing that natural resources belonged to the state, which is a trustee of its citizens, the court ordered that a part of the profits from the sale of iron ore be set aside for a permanent …

P2P Foundation blogs on the Goenchi Mati campaign

David Bollier, author, activist, blogger and consultant on the commons, calls the Supreme Court order in the Goa mining case setting up the Permanent Fund as a bold precedent, “the first time that a court anywhere had ordered such a remedy, and it resulted in the first permanent fund in India.” Something Goa should be proud of!

Roundup of Basic Income pilots conducted

Here’s a short list of pilots of Universal Basic Income. The pilot in India by UNICEF & SEWA in Madhya Pradesh is presently considered the best study. Watch the video, read the executive summary, the full report, or buy the book. Bolsa Familia in Brazil is a conditional cash transfer, but probably one of the largest. We should not forget Scott Santens, who has a …

Avoid resource curse through Permanent Funds – Brookings

The Brookings Institute has recommended that US states Pennsylvania and Ohio establish Permanent Funds from their taxes from oil & gas fracking. This is similar to our proposal relating to the Goenchi Mati Permanent Fund. Devashree Saha & Mark Muro in their report titled “Permanent trust funds: Funding economic change with fracking revenues” advance five elements of good fund governance and management …

The automation of mining

In recent months, great strides have been made in automation of parts of the mineral chain. Rio Tinto now has two iron ore mines in Australia where all trucks are automated, and controlled from 1,200 km away. They are also on the verge of automating their trains. And at the other end of the world, APM has started its almost completely automated Maasvlakte 2 …

March roundup on Basic Income

With the exploding interest in Basic Income, Scott Santens sends out his first monthly update. Scott is one of the more thoughtful writers on the subject. Interestingly, Scott has created his personal basic income (through Patreon), so that he can focus on advocating the idea.